Every year I totally enjoy taking out all our Christmas villages and setting them up in the house. I set the homes, the people, the trees, and the landscaping. I have an amusement village, a ski village, a fishing village, and several Victorian villages. They fill the house and it brings great joy for us each year.
Luke 15.10 “… “In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
As much as we enjoy all the celebrations, the gatherings, the decorating and filling our home with all these villages and figurines, it is nothing compared to the great rejoicing that takes place in heaven and the joy that fills the heart of God every time someone comes into His home, His Kingdom, and comes to stay. People are the great treasure of God! There is not decorating heaven like having it filled with the treasure of people.
Let’s bring a gift to the King this year by bringing someone into the Kingdom. One delivered out from darkness and into the Kingdom of Light. This is the greatest and most precious treasure to our King, Jesus.
We celebrate the birth of Jesus during this time of the year. Jesus was born for one main reason, to die for the sin of mankind. He took our sin and all its effects. He paid the price of judgement and punishment for our sin, so we wouldn’t have to. Because He paid the price for our sin, He does not hold any sin against us. No one loses eternal life and enters hell because of sin, it is because of refusing the justification Jesus provided through His death, burial, and resurrection. If you have never received your justification in Jesus, you can today. It is by simply believing that Jesus paid your price, carried your judgement, and bore your penalty. Declare Jesus as your Lord and Savior knowing God raised Him from the dead so you can be free.
When you receive Jesus as Your Lord and Savior, Christmas will start to have all new and wonderful meaning for you! If you have just received Him, please let us know so we can rejoice together. A very Merry Christmas to all!
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