The Forces of Life

  • May 18th, 2024
  • Pastor Bob
  • New Life Family Worship

The Forces of Life

Proverbs 4.23-24 “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.
Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put devious lips far from you.”

The springs of life are also the forces of life. Not only a force against life, but more importantly a force that sets our life. The Hebrew talks about the springs of life as a border, a going out, an end, to lead us out.

These springs or forces of life flowing from our heart sets our borders, the end or limit that we can go. It goes out before us and brings us in the same way leading us there.

He says to put away from our mouth or to control our speech from a deceitful mouth. This is one having distortion, crookedness, twisted, perversion in it. Devious lips have departed, turned aside, gone wrong, are crooked, and lost from view.

Therefore, we are to be diligent in watching over our heart as to what enters in and what is released out. Whatever comes out of our heart will set the borders of our life, determine how far we can go, set limitations and lead us either to a wide-open field of possibilities or a dead end of impossibilities.

What comes out of our mouth, from our spirit, will set the limits of our life, and releases creative forces in our life whether good or bad, positive or negative, Godly or worldly. It is important to have God’s Word in our heart and in our mouth. This was the process to get saved and the same process for operating in the Kingdom. We don’t switch from our heart to our head after getting saved. Certainly, our head, our mind is involved, but the source of our words, our confession, is to be out of our spirit and then to our mind, and then out of our mouth.

Hebrews 11.3 tells us that By Faith we Understand. To understand is ‘to perceive with thought coming into consciousness as distinct from the perception of senses.’ There is no natural avenue to attain this understanding. It comes by hearing in our heart, it is revelation, it is faith. These are the things that should come out from our mouth and set the borders of our life and ministry. Go ahead, open the gates of your heart and mouth and let the possibilities flow!!!

Pastor Bob

New Life Family Worship