Horizons Ahead

  • May 18th, 2024
  • Pastor Bob
  • New Life Family Worship

Dear Friends,

Here we are coming into the year 2022. It is just amazing how fast time is moving. Certainly the 24 hours a day has not changed, but it sure seems to be going by at a faster rate of speed. It seems like only yesterday that everybody was talking about Y2K. Now we are entering into 22 years of the new millennium.

I am excited about these days that we live in. Do you know that you were born for just such a day as this? It is no accident that you are on the earth today. Your being alive is a part of the great God’s great plan. Are you excited about these days also? In the midst of turmoil and confusion in the world, the church is founded on the solid rock of revelation knowledge. No matter what goes on in the world, if we are turned to the Lord, turned to His Word, then we will not be wrapped up in the turmoil, confusion or fear of the world.

Have you ever been on a boat or a ship? As you travel along, there is always a horizon ahead of you. But even though the horizon is always ahead of you, it doesn’t mean you have never reached the horizon. You may have sailed for an hour, and the horizon you are looking at presently, is not the horizon you were looking at an hour ago when you started the trip. The horizon continually moves ahead of you.

The thoughts back in the old days was that the horizon didn’t move, so when you reached the horizon you would fall off the end of the earth because the world was flat. Upon sailing into the unknown, it was proven that the horizon was not the end of the trip, but that new horizons continued to appear as they continued sailing. The ultimate horizon could never be reached, it was always out ahead of them, but there were horizons that could be attained along the way. This proved that no matter how many horizons were attained, there was always horizons to be attained.

As we now enter into 2022 we look ahead with expectancy to the great horizons that are ahead of us.

Too many times we think, “Not another horizon. I get tired of looking at horizons. I don’t want to hear about another horizon until I get to reach one.” That’s like saying the world is flat and when I reach the horizon then I’ll be finished. If that be so then reaching the ultimate horizon would cause you to fall off the edge. But there are always horizons to reach, always new horizons to press on to, there are always new horizons on the horizon!! This is the excitement and true adventure of a real life in Christ!!

We are to first realize and then examine the horizons that have already been attained. Have you ever noticed that when you reach a horizon point, it doesn’t look like a horizon. If you are sailing, the horizon reached just looks like the rest of the water. Unless you have a reference point, or some sort of equipment, you may not even know you are at the horizon you once saw ahead of you.

As we sail along in life heading for a horizon, we may not notice it when we reach it. By the time we get there it just looks like the rest of life. Just another day, just another step, just another decision. Yet, it brings us to the place of the horizon. In order to recognize it we must have a reference point or equipment that causes us to realize that we have reached the horizon.

Every year the Lord shows us a horizon to head for. During the year He gives us reference points to help us recognize the horizon when reached. For example, in 2021 the horizon was “Touching the World with the Greatness and Glory of God.” Some of the reference points was much teaching on the Anointing and how to move in it. We are empowered and have Authority to be Bold to Raid Hell. Of course there was Spiritual Ears Classes to take hold of or brush up on. The Holy Spirit built our foundation from Hebrews 6 so we could be firm and fixed as we reached others. There were also the wonderful Home Bible Group to solidify our foundation or to rectify the cracks that have occurred. And what a wonderful year with the many classes in the Sunday 9:30 am services. All of these things were founded on the corporate prayer time on Tuesday morning services.  

These were reference points we were to take hold of, and as we did, they brought us closer to the horizon. The equipment the Lord has given us is, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, our human spirit, the anointing, ears to hear. These things are to be used to lead us and guide us in order that we may reach the horizons set before us by the Lord.

It is a new year and if you never have before, or even if you have, it is time to “press on to the goal,” time to set your sails, time to head for the horizon! Check your equipment, set the reference points, we are “Headed for the Horizon!” Heading for what the Lord has for us in 2022. I do hope you will attend New Year’s Eve service Friday 7pm being ready to see your horizon and set your path.                                                Pastor Bob

New Life Family Worship